January 31, 2018 at 09:09AM
How’s my morning going? I caught my two year old sitting on the toilet eating a whole stick of butter.
How’s my morning going? I caught my two year old sitting on the toilet eating a whole stick of butter.
Josh: “Hey mom, I got an idea.”
Me: “What?”
Him: “You fix me dinner while I play with my toys.”
Me: “I will counter your offer. You play with your toys up in your room and entertain TJ so I can make some dinner.”
Him: “Yep, that works.”
Guys, I just broke my own rule and I NEGOTIATED WITH A TERRORIST. Not just any terrorist, the littlest dictator in all of Chrisendom.
Also, I don’t think he realizes he’s just been had.
It was Halloween day and on a spontaneous trip, I took the boys up to see a dear friend of mine, Shannon Brenneman. She and her daughter Anna were in town visiting her family in Prescott and so the boys and I made a day of it. We went trick-or-treating at a little community event and took off back to the valley around 6.
We pulled into the neighborhood around 8 and even though the boys had fun up north, they thought they were going to trick-or-treat in our neighborhood too. But it was so late… most of the trick-or-treaters were heading inside. I pulled around the corner onto Daley Ln and I saw my friends at the end of the street. All the kids were out, all of the parents were chatting and enjoying the cool evening– our friends and neighbors had set up an amazing food spread on Katie’s driveway.
Who is Katie? She’s pretty special. She lives right north of our house. She’ll bring her kids out in the evenings and we’ll sit on each other’s driveways and just chat. About life, about kids, about husbands…. and she’ll always have a snack for the kids and a glass of wine handy. For the moms. Not the kids.
She’s a feisty fighter and hates injustice. And she has a big heart. And she doesn’t put up with any crap. And as I pulled up into our driveway and see everyone in front of Katie’s house, I looked back at Josh and saw a huge grin on his face. I knew he had forgotten about trick-or-treating. His crew was outside.
He and Sammy leapt out of the car to join the kids and I grabbed TJ to go join the party! There were three different kids of chili on the table. They were all delicious. So perfect for the cool night. The most memorable was Katie’s chili. I can usually take chili or leave it. I get about halfway done with a bowl and I get bored. But this chili… stop the presses. What was different about it? I couldn’t put my finger on it except I KEPT EATING BOWL AFTER BOWL.
After asking her for the recipe, I discovered what is different. First– bacon. Duh. I mean, it adds a fourth dimension amiright? Also, with this recipe, you cook the meat and veggies together before adding the beans and liquid. You *can* put it in the crock pot to keep it warm, but this recipe is best done in the skillet, not cooked all day in the crock pot. Which also makes it faster.
The last nuance is the beef bouillion. It gives it the meaty kick you can’t accomplish with just the beef alone. Also, in place of water I use a beef stock. As with any chili recipe, you can adjust the beans and spice level to your taste. Also, I throw in some roasted Ancho chlies from our garden. In case you were wondering, this recipe is not remotely healthy. Not in the least….but it’s the best d*** chili I’ve ever eaten. So there.
You’re walking through the veggie refrigerator in Costco. You see that giant bag of spinach. You know you need to eat more spinach, but really? I mean, that bag is ginormous. Who in their right mind (besides Popeye and a rabbit army) would eat that much spinach? Get ready for your mind to be blown. This next recipe will use up at least half that bag. Spinach cooks down a lot and combined with the mushrooms and onions and ooey-gooey egg yolks, there is only one word to describe this dish: decadent. It makes a huge pan and for those who do food prep, you can make a pan of this and just spoon your desired amount into containers. I did this and had a delicious lunch every day. It’s so tasty, so healthy and I was full without being sleepy. For breakfast or dinner, this recipe is a winner.
I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “This recipe sounds like a hot mess.” You’d only be partially right. It’s an amazing, delicious hot mess. And Dave just loves French Onion Soup. But mama ain’t got time for the time it takes to traditionally make it. I ran across this recipe and it’s a one pan meal. I prefer to use a cast-iron skillet. It comes out of the oven piping hot and in my estimation, tastes every bit as good as the soup. Plus, it has the chicken for your protein. Josh declared it “yummy” and there was much rejoicing.