April 2, 2019 at 5:18 PM
Current situation:
Arguing with a 5 year old and 3 year old, trying to convince them that, in fact, a shrimp is not a lobster.
Current situation:
Arguing with a 5 year old and 3 year old, trying to convince them that, in fact, a shrimp is not a lobster.
I had to look twice….
Is that a… *GASP* piece of poop on top of the TP holder????
I get closer… whew, no, it’s just a brownie.
Also, we found a fully lit flashlight in the fish tank. It’s from Costco. If it dries out and still works great, I’m sold.
Sam: “Mom, if you make me pick up the legos, I’m going to cry.”
Me: *He thinks I have a heart. How cute.*
I don’t often come up with genius schemes, but I hit one today: I have a Costco veggie tray in the fridge. I love it because it has a variety of veggies and I don’t have to do any prep work for it. I’ve been hauling it out before lunches and dinners while I’m preparing the meal. The boys are, of course, hungry and because the veggies are their only option, they attack it as soon as it comes out. Their kryptonite is the 15 minutes before dinner. DC Comics may have actually started in the kitchen…. Sing it with me… “Superman’s mom has got it goin’ on!”
10 minute snapshot of my day, by T-money:
* Mom just stacked all of the kitchen chairs on top of the table to prevent me from crawling up on top of the table and dancing on it. She’s such a jerk.
* I just ran into the laundry room and drank dog water …like a dog. Dog water is always better than tap water, duh.
* I just let myself out the front door and ran down the street to splash in puddles. I got a few splashes in before mom carted me back inside. She’s no fun at all.
My brothers are sick and might not tell on me. I’m taking suggestions as to what I should do to mom next. Ready, annndd…. go!