We don’t watch any news channels at our house. So our brains and our boys’ brains aren’t bombarded with just… stuff. But we need to talk about current events, especially because school just closed for all of them.
So I asked Josh: “J-man, have you heard of what’s going on in the world lately?”
Sammy interjects: “YEAH MOM! PIRATES!!!
Me: “Ummm…. “
“Oh wait, Sammy, I get it. ‘Virus’ rhymes with ‘pirates.'”
**** Getting nowhere with Sammy & turn back to Josh ****
Josh: “Yes, mom. I’ve heard of it.”
Me: “Oh really? What have you heard?”
Him: “It’s a virus. And it’s going around.”
Him: “That’s about it.”
Nice chat, boys, nice chat. Beware of the pirates, they’ll infect you with a couplet and medicate you with a bottle of Rum. Then they’ll isolate you at sea. Walking the plank never sounded so pleasant.