The Keys to the Lex
Being a babysitter to four kids under the age of eight (with the last name of “Lin”) takes a special person. You’re either really brave or you have a screw loose. It might have to be a little of both.
Being a babysitter to four kids under the age of eight (with the last name of “Lin”) takes a special person. You’re either really brave or you have a screw loose. It might have to be a little of both.
We’ve hit it. 🌡 The dreaded triple digits 🔥. It’s like the hat trick of the Southwest except all we win is the end of mosquitos because it’s too dang hot for even them. I suppose that’s something and I should take what I can get. If there was an emoji for your face melting […]
We are tired. And at the beginning of potty training, it’s a given that mom will need to do some of the dirty work.
But toward the end, those little guys can learn to do it themselves!
I am right there with you in this with my third boy. We’ve got this, mom.
Blotchy skin? Check.
Blue eyes half open (coffee wore off)– Check.
Wrinkles around my eyes? Still there.
I flashed my signature grin and opened my mouth.
I opened my mouth wider and looked closer.
Am I seeing things right? I closed my mouth and grinned again.
OK, here’s a Kleenex. Go blow your nose and dry your eyes. I can relate because we all have those moments watching our little babies trot off and do something crazy/magnificent without consulting us. We feel like chopped liver.
I’m breaking down my list of weirdness. I might have cringed in my 20’s, but in my 40’s… it’s not getting any better. If anything, that list is growing by the minute and I LOVE IT!!! Because it’s what makes me… me.
On the way to VBS this morning:
Me: “TJ, I’m so excited you get to go to VBS! You’re going to have so much fun. There will be Bible stories and games and snacks and crafts…”
TJ: *excitedly* “Oh, like MINECRAFT???”
Me: “What?”
“Hey, sooo…. whatareya doin’ over here Lin? I see you’re writin’ some stuff (Lots of stuff) and it looks like you’ve written some kids books. I mean… you’re JUST a mom and wife, right? You take care of kids all day, right?”
*insert smarmy chuckle*
And you wouldn’t be wrong. About anything except the “just” part.
All boys descend on me in sing-songy tattletale voice:
All boys: “MOMMMM!!! Dad’s drinking a root beer and he won’t share it with us!”
Me *deadpan*: “Oh really.”
All boys: “YEAH!!! The root beer says “DAD’S” on it and Dad said it’s HIS because it says “DAD’S” on it!”