April 2, 2016 at 8:20 PM
Joshua at dinner asks for water with a full glass of milk on his tray. Me: “Nope. Because I’m tired of getting up to get you stuff. How’s THAT for some honesty.” Dave: “Somewhere in there, I heard a mic drop.”
Joshua at dinner asks for water with a full glass of milk on his tray. Me: “Nope. Because I’m tired of getting up to get you stuff. How’s THAT for some honesty.” Dave: “Somewhere in there, I heard a mic drop.”
The other night on the playground, my friend’s 3 year old son ran up to my 2.5 year old son and gave him the biggest tightest hug I had ever seen. My heart melted, but Josh had a look of horror on his face. (My son has a huge personal bubble space and it had […]
Boo-yah toddler!! You’re asleep and we’re about to make a steak dinner! We’re gonna adult so hard right now. Probably going to be ice cream afterward and we don’t have to feed any of it to your little mouth. Toddler, I have one thing to say to you- FOMO.
Tonight, parenthood looked like turning on the end of “Hunt for Red October” the second the sleep-averse toddler fell asleep. And huge bowls of ice cream. And it was everything. Oh, and Alec Baldwin was hot.
Josh insisted on “reading” his bedtime stories to himself. He’s up there now talking out loud. Have we reached nirvana? What’s next… Brushing his own teeth? Gah… See what happens when you dare to dream big.
Me today after about 4 hours of intense whining & meltdowns: “C’mon Josh… Mommy is SOOOO tired.” I pause and look into his little eyes. Was that recognition? Was that a glimmer of empathy? Him: “Mommy, I want WAAATEERRRR!!!” Another laughable and egregious miscalculation by yours truly. You can probably guess I really stink at […]
There is a man sleeping on our couch right now. A man who adulted and daddied so hard today he just crashed. Good thing he’s my husband and not some random guy who followed me home from the grocery store. That would be awkward.
Parents, speak life over your kids. At swim lessons I overheard a dad say “I think he’s a lost cause.” And this is not a bad dad. He’s a good dad who was embarrassed by his child’s screaming. We have ALL been there. Sometimes multiple times a day. When the frustration, embarrassment and anger wells […]
Hey fancy pants people in the Scottsdale Quarter- that tiny blur that ran past you was my son. And that bigger blur wearing a skirt and barefoot was me. Sprinting at top speed. Like in my high school days. Evidently, my two-year-old is a bigger motivator than the starting gun. In other news, somebody get […]
I just deleted “Joshua’s nap time” off of my daily calendar. He really gave it up a couple of months ago. I think I just officially gave up. I’ll be crying myself to sleep in a corner. No I won’t. There’s no more sleep in this house.