I Am Humbled Every Single Day
God sent me a man who lavishes his love on me and gives me beautiful flowers. In particular, two beautiful flowers named Joshua and Samuel. I am humbled every single day.
God sent me a man who lavishes his love on me and gives me beautiful flowers. In particular, two beautiful flowers named Joshua and Samuel. I am humbled every single day.
I made a giant pan of Rice Krispy treats tonight. Not for the kids. For Dave and I. After the kids were in bed. What’s that Josh? Oh yeah. You bet your britches we have fun after you go to sleep. It’s our reward for adulting all day and all night for you and your […]
Josh had salmon earlier at 11 AM. A “second breakfast” or “early lunch” if you will. He didn’t eat all of it. Around 12:30 he rolls back up to the table wanting a “snack.” Me: “Josh, you need to finish the salmon and rice from earlier.” Him: “No, I don’t want that.” Me: “Ok, no […]
The best gift is walking out of the door to my massage appointment with both boys wailing, knowing my capable husband has everything under control. My eyes are burning from caring too much and lack of sleep, but this mothers’ day, a huge fist-bump goes out to my husband who both put me in this […]
Clerk who checked us out at Walgreens: “Is she mixed?,” pointing at my son. Me: “He’s a unique and beautiful creation, just like you and me.” Clerk: “Well, she’s beautiful.” Me: “Thanks, and she’s a boy.”
Some moms at swim class were trying to out-diet each other talking about what new cleanse they were on and how much kale & quinoa they ate for breakfast. I’m over here going, “I’m hungry. Where can I get me some ice cream?”
It’s the third night in a row that our 2.5 year old has gone to bed happily, calmly and quietly without yelling or throwing a massive fit and causing a great disturbance in the force. I don’t even know what to do with the peace. Maybe it would be an easier transition for my ears […]
Tonight, Two of the little neighborhood girls zoomed by in their pink Barbie sports car and picked Josh up out in front of our house. They drove all over the place and Josh had his arm on the side like he was ballin’. The girls pull up to our front door and drop him off. […]
My son refers to himself in the third person: “Mommy, J-man wants some milk.” 1) I can’t possibly be expected to keep a straight face 2) Does he know his real name is Joshua? 3) I may not stop this any time soon.
Dearest Joshua: I don’t understand half of what you say. But sometimes I pretend I do so you’ll stop repeating yourself. Just start remembering everything I missed so we can talk about it in therapy 30 years from now mmmkay?