June 29, 2016 at 9:10 AM
Josh’s response to something I said: *puts his hand out to indicate -stop-* “Mom, I not trying to hear that!”
Josh’s response to something I said: *puts his hand out to indicate -stop-* “Mom, I not trying to hear that!”
Josh is going through a “mama, kiss my boo-boo phase.” I’ll tell you what son, as long as you let me keep kissing your boo boos, I’ll keep cleaning all your diapers, endure all the fits and feed you all the food you want. Deal? Josh: “Deal, mom.”
Stetson has been barking at Timmy all morning. Coincidentally, Timmy has been holding this treat in his mouth all morning. #brothers
Tonight, while out at dinner, Joshua squirted ketchup from the bottle right into his mouth, wiped his armpits with his napkin, had a conversation with an invisible entity to his left and fell off of his chair and landed on his face. Discuss.
Car washes. In a little kid sort of way, I absolutely love them. I might even giggle as I go through one. I usually take the boys to the neighborhood gas station car wash… it takes about two seconds and they look at me wide-eyed as we go through. We wash the six months of […]
Things I say all the time: “Let’s see here.” “Aw, MAN!” “I guess so.” And I would have had absolutely no idea I say these phrases except for… you guessed it… a two year old. It’s like looking in a mirror and realizing I have a horn growing from my forehead.
The boys are up late tonight because of jet lag and I’m just barely making it by because I haven’t really slept in 36 hours. So, I throw both of them together in Josh’s room. “You two… babysit each other.” I check in on them in a minute and they’re both “reading” quietly and playing […]
My convo with Josh this morning: “Josh, did you watch ‘Cinderella’ with Taylor yesterday?” Him: “Yeah.” Me: “What was it about?” Him: “Creatures. Dinosaurs. Butterflies. Caterpillars.” Ok. I’ll give him most of it, but dinosaurs is a stretch.
Me: “I listened to a wiffle ball bouncing off the floor and walls all day long. It’s enough to make me completely mental.” Dave: “Tell me, Clarice – have the lambs stopped screaming?”
There’s going to come a point at which we have to inform our son that dinosaurs are not alive anymore. Thanks a lot dinosaurs, you jerks.