October 1, 2016 at 12:52 PM
When the 3-year-old is a little OCD and really proud of his clean-up job and throws a GIANT fit because the 1-year-old yanks toys out right after it’s done. #ifeelyoukid #cleaningispointless #buildscharacter
When the 3-year-old is a little OCD and really proud of his clean-up job and throws a GIANT fit because the 1-year-old yanks toys out right after it’s done. #ifeelyoukid #cleaningispointless #buildscharacter
I am the spectacle (see what I did there) of “hot new-mom mess,” but when I look at this picture, I see such strength and beauty. I love how happy / tired I look and my arms are as full as my heart. These days, my boys are growing to where I can barely fit […]
For all my non-AZ friends, we suffer through the oven-summers to make it to this. Cheers to my friend Mike for a gorgeous shot from the mountain that was in the backyard of my condo. I’d run to the mountain, run up, run down and run back. Now I push a stroller with two children, […]
This is it. This is THE perfect pancake. The ricotta makes this pancake moist. And the lemon zest with lemon juice… I dare you to find a better pancake because these are pretty near perfection. [amd-yrecipe-recipe:10] This recipe is brought to you by the great Bobby Flay. There are, of course, many versions of this […]
When I hear the boys playing together and then start giggling, I don’t think “Oh how cute. They’re playing nicely together.” I think “They are doing something dangerous and/or illegal.” This conclusion is obviously reached by a proven track record. #sendwinandchocolate
Josh: “Mommeee!!!! (In genuine concern) Your hair’s not working!!!” I got news for you kid. You and your brother are the reasons my hair is not working. *he proceeds to smooth down my hair then steps back, looking satisfied*
Our boys are 1 and 2.5 and have completely annihilated daddy at the nightly wrestling match #getsomegauze #linfightclub
We are watching Youtube clips of “The Wrath of Khan” eating pizzookie while the boys sleep. This is totally a date. #nerdsunite
At the splash pad today one little four year old girl was talking to another girl in the loud, unregulated vocal stylings that only children of that age can produce: “HEY, I NEED TO TELL YOU SOME-FING! …. I DON’T WANT TO TALK WITH YOU ANYMORE. *Big pause while the other girl processed it and […]
We often tell stories of strangers attempting to shame us or just say superior things to heal their insecurities. This is not one of those stories. This is a good story- gather round. As I was loading my two boys in the car from the grocery store, I strapped in the little one and a […]