Gosh, That Sounds Nuts
Josh: “Mom, what’s ‘Boxing?'”
Me: “Ummm…. it’s a sport…. where… people punch other people in the face.”
*long pause*
Me: “Gosh that sounds nuts.”
Me: “Oh, and you’re never ever EVER allowed to play that sport. Ever.”
Josh: “Mom, what’s ‘Boxing?'”
Me: “Ummm…. it’s a sport…. where… people punch other people in the face.”
*long pause*
Me: “Gosh that sounds nuts.”
Me: “Oh, and you’re never ever EVER allowed to play that sport. Ever.”
And that’s a wrap for the spring season. One of Josh’s little teammates was looking over my shoulder as I pulled out his team pic from the pouch. He pointed to Josh in the pic. “Oh look! There’s ‘Mr. Teapot!’” I looked askance at him. “Mr. Teapot??!!” He shrugged his shoulders. “Shortest one on the team.” I stared at this 6 year old. “You are the same size he is.” Him: “I’m just a little taller.” That’s ok Josh. I was always the shortest. But also the fastest.
Sam: “Mom, I love you. But sometimes I don’t like you- especially when you tell dad I’ve done something wrong. It hurts my feelings.” *fast forward 15 years* “Officer, if you tell the judge what I did wrong, it’s gonna hurt my feelings.” *back to now* “I’m feeling like you’d better get upstairs to bed […]
Me: “Honey, I think TJ’s teething the molars. He’s drooling a lot, kind of cranky and has a snotty nose.Dave: “By that definition, I’m teething too.”
Guys, most of what I post is pretty funny, because, you know… life is pretty funny. But there is such a wonderful moment I need to share with you, because God delivers grace to me in the most unexpected ways. Dave and I were done, tonight. We were just at the end. You know that […]
“Boys, I’m going to call my friend and wish her happy birthday. You watch cartoons.”What TJ Heard: “Go clog the toilet with toilet paper and grab the ‘unreachable’ butter and eat it and smear it all over things.” Bathtime party of one.#lindynasty party of five.
Sam: “Mom, I can’t clean up my toys because that will make me too tired.”Me: “Sam, I can’t make you dinner because that will make me too tired.” The logic. It burns.
“Hey mom… look! Petsmart is right next to Home Depot… can we go?” asked Josh. I managed some half-hearted enthusiasm through coughing spells. I put TJ down on the sidewalk and he ran squealing into Petsmart. “I’m so tired,” I thought. Maybe they have an empty kennel I can crawl into and go to sleep. […]
Current situation:Arguing with a 5 year old and 3 year old, trying to convince them that, in fact, a shrimp is not a lobster.
I had to look twice….Is that a… *GASP* piece of poop on top of the TP holder????I get closer… whew, no, it’s just a brownie. Also, we found a fully lit flashlight in the fish tank. It’s from Costco. If it dries out and still works great, I’m sold.