My grandmother, Jean Tanner, was a home-economics teacher in south Louisiana prior to her career as a mom of six children and fourteen grandchildren.
When I say she was an excellent cook, that is no exaggeration. She knew ratios off of the top of her head and she never seemed to use a recipe and EVERYTHING came out right.
I spent many summers on the farm with them and she taught me so much about cooking and sewing… all of the home-ec disciplines that have come in so handy over to the years.
That’s a mighty long introduction to finally get to my point: She made the best pancakes I have ever eaten and part of the secret is this recipe plus a hot cast iron griddle and substitute farm-fresh honey for maple syrup.
I don’t have the actual recipe she used, but I’ve been experimenting to find the exact right consistency to imitate them. And I think I’ve done it.