August 23, 2017 at 6:40 PM
Don’t tell Josh, but when he and Sam fight, I secretly root for Sam because he’s SO DARN FUNNY- like pushing all of Josh’s buttons just to make him spew fire. Also, I’m really bad at not laughing.
Don’t tell Josh, but when he and Sam fight, I secretly root for Sam because he’s SO DARN FUNNY- like pushing all of Josh’s buttons just to make him spew fire. Also, I’m really bad at not laughing.
How I knew it was going to be a great day: this morning when, through my half-slitted eyes of infant sleep-deprivation, I saw not one, but TWO of my dear neighbors waving huge waves and big smiles as I passed them on the way out of the neighborhood. Jackie Nabozny (George) and Katie Gartman-Morocco. I mean for real- I love you people.
If you need me, I’ll be writing a song entitled “No One Naps Here Anymore.” What genre? Oh, it’s Country. You know, one of those where you dog died, then your truck died the next day. Just kidding. It’s way sadder than that. More like a funeral dirge. Think Mozart’s Requiem.
Today, I played in the rain with my 2 year old. We were both sopping wet after a few hours but stomping in puddles and watching wildlife on a very rare July morning might be the best thing Sammy and I have done together this year.
Yesterday, I’m driving Josh home from preschool. We pass North Canyon high school.
Josh: *motions to school* “Mom, I belong there.”
Me: *raises eyebrows and looks at him in rear view mirror* “Oh, is that right?”
Josh: “Yes, my friends are going to go there and I’m going to play baseball.”
Me: “You realize you’re 3.5 right?”