January 22, 2019 at 1:12 AM
Josh: “Mom, how many more bites do I have to eat?”
Me: “I don’t know… 5 or 6 more at least….”
Him: “Ummm….maybe 10.”
Me: “10 sounds great.”
Sorry Lins, his negotiating skills are a giant disappointment, so far.
Josh: “Mom, how many more bites do I have to eat?”
Me: “I don’t know… 5 or 6 more at least….”
Him: “Ummm….maybe 10.”
Me: “10 sounds great.”
Sorry Lins, his negotiating skills are a giant disappointment, so far.
Me to Sam:
“C’mere Sam, Mommy needs a hug, I’m not feeling great.”
*Gives me a big hug and pulls away*
Sam: “Mom, I tooted quietly. …..It was a silent toot.”
Me: ……..
Top 3 favorite things that my children do on a regular basis:
1) Take the inserts out of my house shoes.
2) Turn the toaster dials to high settings so that if I do not check every single time, I will end up with burnt toast.
3) Magically show up right in front of me when I sit my tired behind down at the table to eat something. They give me sad eyes until I turn my fork around and give them the first bite of whatever I was about to eat.
OK, now your turn… GO!!!!
*So, Josh was throwing me some shade about folding laundry*
Josh: “I’m too tired to fold laundry!”
Me: “Ok, then you can take a nap like your brothers.”
I narrow my eyes at him. He puffs out his cheeks at me. You can hear the theme from the Good, Bad and the Ugly in the background. You know the one. But Clint Eastwood ain’t got nothin’ on the mama.
I cut my eyes at the laundry pile and then I glare back at him.
Me: “Riddly Ridddly Ree, I see something you don’t see… and the COLOR IS RED!!!!!”
Like a bull with a cape waved at him, Josh’s eyes popped and he dove into the laundry pile. We threw laundry at each other and went through the rainbow of colors until everything was sorted.
Sometimes, taking the bull by the horns won’t yield nearly the results as waving the flag in front of his face. 😉
I’m declaring 2019 the #yearofthelegos. Just to save time, I’m declaring the same through 2030 in the Lin house. Currently taking bets in the number of adult injuries by said pieces. Winner takes all the legos. You’re welcome.