They’re on to Me
So, we’re all sitting down to dinner. Eating a *delicious* carrot soup I made. Sammy looks up at me:
Sam: “Mom, DO NOT put this in my lunch tomorrow.”
Crap. He’s on to me.
So, we’re all sitting down to dinner. Eating a *delicious* carrot soup I made. Sammy looks up at me:
Sam: “Mom, DO NOT put this in my lunch tomorrow.”
Crap. He’s on to me.
Josh on our family timetable:
“Mom, you’re going to be a grandmother before dad will be a grandfather.”
Me: “Why’s that?”
Josh: “Well, dad is getting older, but you’re getting older faster than he is.”
Me: ……………..
Me: “Are you saying that I look older than dad??????”
Him: “Yes.”
Me: “Son, do you know your dad is SIX YEARS older than I am?”
Him: *shrugs shoulders*
Me: “Sammy, get over here, as of right now, I’m handing you your brother’s birthright. Also, Christmas is cancelled because Mrs. Claus will be at the spa.”
So, TJ’s being generally naughty and throwing lids (to containers) down into the family room. *I sigh with my head in my hands because I’m so tired of the crazy whirlwind nonsense*
Me: “TJ, you gonna clean up all of that stuff?”
Him: “Of course.”
OF COURSE???? HE’S 2.5. I have a sass-mouth toddler for sale. Who wants him?
*Earlier the boys and I were talking about the future*
Sam: “Mom, one day, Josh is going to grow up and he might go to college.”
Me: “Yep, and you will too. And maybe college one day.”
*Sammy gets up & leaves, mind is blown. Alone with Josh.*
Me: “And Josh, you’ll grow up and one day find your own fabulous gal.
*Me putting on ugly mock cry face*
“And you’ll leave me and love some girl OTHER THAN MEEEE!!!!!!!”
Josh: “Mom, I will ALWAYS love you.”
Whatever the future may look like, nothing is sweeter than this moment, right now.
Sam: “Hey mom– we cleaned up all the legos!”
Me: “That’s great, Sam– I heard Josh cleaned up most of them.”
Josh: “MOST of them? I cleaned up ALL of them.”
Good try, Sam, good try. Maybe next time, but probably not.